Located at 175 West H Street, Halsey, OR. 97348
Phone: 541-369-2236 Email: hseedlab@outlook.com
Mail: PO Box 448, Halsey OR 97348 Fax: 541-636-2451
Lebanon/ Drop Box
Located at: 35208 Spicer Drive
Lebanon, OR. 97355
Right on the line between Albany and Lebanon. Turn in the driveway and take the first left. Box is located along the row of trees. Checked every morning.
Tangent Drop Box
Located at: 33149 OR-99
Tangent, OR. 97389
DLF-Pickseed USA office.
To the left of the front doors
Checked every morning.
Harrisburg Drop Box
Located at: Hayworth Seed Whse.
23460 OR-99E
Harrisburg, OR. 97446
Checked every morning, be sure to leave yellow flag up.
Shedd Drop Box
Located in front of Shedd Market at:
31901 B Street Shedd, OR. 97377
Checked daily each morning
Halsey Night Drop
Located on East Wall of Seed Lab
175 West H Street Halsey, OR. 97348